Backyard Bible Clubs
Thanks to all of you who served the children of our area by your participation in the Backyard Bible Clubs sponsored by our church a couple of weeks ago. Here are a few pictures from the one we hosted at our house. The Campbells and Gruendlings also hosted in addition the one at the church (where many of you helped out).
Through the week a Gospel message was built at each location. We began the first two nights by asking some of the biggest questions of life, like "Where did I come from?" and "What gives life meaning?" After answering from the Bible that God made all things so all things exist for Him, we addressed what that means for each person who lives, that we were made to glorify God. Of course, we haven't always glorified God and are deserving of spending an eternity apart from Him in hell. That's where the good news came on Friday night: Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and died a bloody death to save sinners like you and me.Please continue to pray for the children, several of whom had probably never heard the Gospel before. All the children who attended on the last night of the BBC were given a flyer about the Clemson Youth Soccer League which starts in just a couple of weeks. Another Gospel message will be taught, this time over a five week period where the children will learn that God always wins. It's of vital importance to be on His side.
What a privilege it is indeed to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords. He certainly is worth our trust! There are no real risks with Him (or wasted lives spent in His service).
1 comment:
it was really a lot of fun working with the kids. it was interesting to see how they looked up to me as being this older "cooler" guy. it made me really wonder what my testimony looks like to them. i'm just praying that we will have a good turn out of kids from the BYBC that will come out for soccer. well good night. i'm going to bed. :)
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