Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Marshall Islands '07

Now is the time to be praying and thinking seriously about the Mission Trip to the Marshalls next summer. It will be here before we know it! To help you toward that end, here are the vital statistics:

Who's eligible? Anyone who will have completed 9th grade and meets the spiritual qualifications for participation (to be spelled out in more detail at a later date).

When is it? Planned departure is July 17 (a Tuesday) and arrival back home would be August 1 (a Wednesday).

How much will it cost? $1000-$1600 per person (final cost dependent upon potential airline discounts).

How many people can go? Their facilities in the Marshalls can handle up to 15 people.

With whom will we be working?
Our missionaries, the Fishers and the Utters.

What will we be doing?
We will receive training, then go out to serve others with them for the gospel's sake. Primarily, we will be helping them run their camp for children for a week on an uninhabited island. They are also planning for us to help with a one night evangelistic meeting soon after our arrival (we would canvas before, as well as help on that night). You say, I don't know how to help at camp. That's why we're arriving a few days before the camp week, so they can prepare us.

What do I need to do now? Please pray about whether God would have you be a part of the trip. We need names of people who are planning to go (along with a $50 non-refundable deposit) by Sunday, September 3. Contact me to secure an application.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me.

We are excited about what God will do through us as we support our missionaries in their work for Christ in the Marshall Islands!

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