What is Humility?
Here's the rough sketch of Guy Night from last week. Take a look at the passages again and ask God to continue to work in your heart to pursue humility. How will you pursue humility today?
What is Humility?
Phil. 2
1 Pet. 5:5-7
James 4
Luke 18:9-14: Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
The humble one comes to God realizing that he has nothing of any value to bring. Christ has already brought the valuable sacrifice. We must trust his work, and not ourselves.
Matthew 18:1-4: Question of Who is the Greatest?
Jesus answers that whoever humbles himself and becomes like this child is the greatest in God’s kingdom. What does that mean? What quality is it about a little child that Jesus is pointing to in this example? Dependence is the quality. Humility is dependence on God – pride is dependence on anything else.
1 Peter 5:5-7: What is One Way to Humble Myself?
Humble yourselves by casting all your anxiety on Him, trusting that he really does care. Oh, and he is mighty (humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God).
Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Matthew 23:12; Luke 14:11; Philippians 2:1-11; 1 Peter 5:6; Humility Leads to Exaltation
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Humility comes before honor.
The reward for humility and the fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.
James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5 God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.
Psalm 138:6 God regards the lowly.
thanks for putting up the post.
I think this is my first comment ever on Truly Beggars
What is humility?
Why are there no thoughts/further explanation given after the first three references? Surely you don't want us to look them up and dig into them for ourselves, do you rob? :)
i’m assuming that you do so here goes… :)
what is humility according to Philippians 2?
short answer- the example of Christ.
long answer- situations often reveal or provide the means to show or prove or learn humility. paul wrote this from a prison cell! that to me is a humbling place! who wants to be in prison? but multiply that experience pretty much infinitely and it still does not compare to the shame and suffering and humility that Christ had to make himself Nothing. as a foot-washing Servant. all-powerful God of the universe submitting or humbling to dying the worst way that His creation could think of -for them. (this should encourage us [the Gospel] a little farther down the road of this thought process-) but it definitely challenges us with such a great and perfect example of what humility looks like.
what is humility according to 1 peter 5:5-7?
short answer- submission to authorities and God- the ultimate authority
long answer- humility is seen or evidenced by submission as we give over our right to our way of viewing things to somebody else. we are to submit to our elders in verse five- but therefore ( not as in the reason why- but rather- in a likewise fashion) vs. 7 - we are to submit to God. Give Him the desires of our heart- because if we keep those desires to ourselves and pursue what we want- that is the opposite of humility- pride. let us humbly/submit ourselves to pursuing what God pursues- chiefly by displaying with the gracious gifts He has given (like time on this earth) the beauty of Him (His glory) as chiefly revealed to us in the Gospel of His Son.
what is humility according to James 4?
short answer- brokenness over sin.
long answer- we are fighting and quarreling and desiring things we don’t have and coveting and having wrong motives and being adulterous to our professed "Lord" by loving the things that the world loves and we are making ourselves enemies with God!. (1-4) that is our state of being. thanks be to God that He gives more Grace! (6a) How are we saved- by grace. " For by grace are you saved through faith." (eph 2:8-9) continuing in james four we realize that God gives grace to the humble. that is good news! bc we need grace to be saved!- so all we need to do is be humble and we will be saved. it even says in the very next phrase in james- "submit yourselves therefore to God". But here would be a good time to finish what paul said to the ephesians- "And this is not your own doing. it is a gift of God. and not a result of works. so that no one could boast." but lets not just stop there because that’s what we are used to. because for paul- this was one big long flowing connected letter... verse ten " for" (on the basis of what was just said...) "we are His workmanship" (He made us)( note- we didn't have a part) "created in Christ Jesus" (we are made alive through the blood of Christ. we weren't partially dead or just really sick- we were dead and had to be made alive) how? Through the blood of Jesus Christ. why were we made alive? "for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we might walk in them." Humility is only by God's gift of grace. being humble does not result in our salvation. but being saved should result in transforming our walking in humbleness.
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